Thursday, February 27, 2020

Statement of objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Statement of objectives - Essay Example of the Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies to improve the capacity of public service in a dynamic urban society through furthering education and community engagement. With my master degree, I was credited with 3 Advanced Certificates in Management from the same university, to wit: Advanced Certificate in Information Management, Advanced Certificate in Telecommunication Management, and Advanced Certificate in Human Resource. Equipped with these academic achievements, I am prepared to undertake greater challenges in higher education. My ultimate goal is to be an instrument of change to my country once I completed the PhD in Urban Studies and Public Affairs in conjunction with Cleveland State University’s College of Public Affairs. The University of Akron is one of the most prestigious institutions which can accord a multi disciplinary approach to the program. I am optimistic in learning various public service and urban studies issues affecting not only the local and national level, but more so, their impact and influence on international levels. I would like to be given the opportunity to share the theoretical and practical applications of public affairs and urban studies in Saudi Arabia, which unselfishly provided me with 100% scholarship through the King Abdullah Graduate Studies Scholarship Program. If accepted, I plan to spend part of my time developing greater insight into one of my primary research interests – stewardship applications in electronic business. For individuals who exemplify characteristics and behavior that demonstrate the concept of stewardship and serving society, the most important consideration is to take accountability without instilling control or dominion over those persons or properties one is tasked to take care of. The benefits that the degree in sciences of management emphasize that public policies’ response to change is a necessary component to adapt and adjust to inefficiencies, conflicts and developments

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Needs Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Needs Assessment - Essay Example Some funds have also been set aside for purchasing the writing materials and other materials that will get used in the process of data analysis. The committee has been able to estimate the cost of materials that will get used in data representation and has set aside some funds to cater for this. The committee has budgeted for some energy drinks as well as refreshments, particularly for those who will be conduct face to face basis of interviews. The team has further hired individuals with counseling professions to offer their counseling service to those students who are at risk of alcohol use. Though limited to some extent, our budget has catered to ensure those taking alcohols will reduce their consumption and use of alcoholic products, with the aim of making them quit. Finally, the committee has been able to put aside some funds to cater for the rehabilitation programs for the students who are problem drinkers. The initiative has hired some physiologists, who are going to take medical intervention for those with medical and physiological conditions and since these require some particular attentions (Borck, 501). Borck, Cornelius. "Communicating the Modern Body: Fritz Kahns Popular Images of Human Physiology as an Industrialized World."  Canadian Journal of Communication  32.3 (2007): 495-520.  ProQuest.  Web. 19 Mar.